Online Steering Committee Meeting – July 18, 2024

Online Steering Committee Meeting – July 18, 2024

We had an insightful virtual meeting today as we prepare for our next session on July 18, 2024. Here are the key points discussed: – PR2: Provided updates on the number of participants who have completed the Green Skills Course on our e-learning platform.– PR3: Shared insights on the questionnaire responses from shipping companies, reviewed the current…

Fourth Transnational Project Meeting of UpSailing online

Fourth Transnational Project Meeting of UpSailing online

Yesterday, on 23/04/2024, our team convened for our 4th Transnational Project Meeting, conducted online to ensure seamless collaboration. We kicked off with an open discussion on the JSTA (Joint Staff Training Activity) scheduled for 4 & 5 June in Rome. Deliberated the agenda finalization and participant selection process, gearing up for an enriching experience! We…