Welcome to UpSailing Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Shipowners. This questionnaire is part of the Erasmus+ KA2 funded project Up-Sailing, which seeks to help current and future seafarers develop their green skills as well as promote a green certification system for EU maritime/shipping companies that will assess the introduction of state-of-the-art environmentally-friendly practices in their operation. In this regard, we need your assistance in depicting the current status of the green operation of maritime/shipping companies.

Please note that your responses will never be displayed individually.

The Up-Sailing Consortium records the data gathered on this form in a computerized file. The legal basis for the processing is the consent of the user. The data collected will be communicated for project scope. The data will be kept during the UpSailing project and only for the purposes of the development of a Green Label Registry implemented within the scope of Erasmus+. Your participation is voluntary and the data that you will provide will be analysed in an anonymized form to draw some conclusions for the integration of environmental measures in the operation of the EU commercial fleet (compromising with the recommendations of the General Data Protection Regulation).

You may request rectification or deletion of your data in compliance with privacy policy rules and data protection and within the limits of your anonymity. To do so, please contact the following email: upsailinginfo@gmail.com

You are asked to answer the following questionnaire honestly; our main objective is not to assess your fleet condition but rather to collect feedback from the representatives of the sector about the progress that has been made so far in line with the EU Green Deal and the reduction of human imprint on the environment by 2050.

We truly appreciate your interest and we would like to thank you for supporting us in our research.

Guidelines to proceed with the questionnaire:
You will need to answer Yes-or-No questions. However, if you answer yes, you will need to provide further information. You will not be able to move on to the next question without answering the previous one and give more details when needed.