Fourth Transnational Project Meeting of UpSailing online

Yesterday, on 23/04/2024, our team convened for our 4th Transnational Project Meeting, conducted online to ensure seamless collaboration.

We kicked off with an open discussion on the JSTA (Joint Staff Training Activity) scheduled for 4 & 5 June in Rome. Deliberated the agenda finalization and participant selection process, gearing up for an enriching experience!

We then explored the next steps for developing and introducing the Green Label Registry as well as the Policy Recommendations. Wrapping up the meeting, we touched base on Quality Assurance updates, forthcoming Dissemination activities, and Multiplier events scheduled for June 2024 across Greece, Germany, Portugal, Italy, and Malta.

Our online courses are now OPEN!
Our online course offers 4 modules tailored for VET Institutes, current employees, and shipowners. Ready to enhance your skills and make a difference?

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