UpSailing presented in the “Civil Society Days 2023” in Brussels

The 2023 European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Civil Society Days brought together citizens, organized civil society, and European institutions under the subject “Civil society organizations: a pillar of democracy and a key player to overcome current challenges”.

During the first day of the “Civil Society Days 2023”, EVBB Secretary General Theodor Grassos moderated the second Workshop entitled “Skills and Lifelong learning for democratic societies.

We also got the chance and pleasure to present the UpSailing project and to share and debate with the attendees how inclusion might be implemented in education from a holistic perspective.

The Up-Sailing project intends to introduce a holistic methodology that will bridge VET Education and the Maritime/Shipping, promote a green certification system, and contribute to the respective policy dialogue with lessons learned and good practices.

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